Cannot place images. Just updated to latest version
Totally fails to place any image.
I have just updated, uninstalled and re-installed and updated my macbook to High Sierra.
Macbook Pro mid-2015

Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Anonymous commented
I cannot get a new version to update
Jen Dexter commented
Fix: update to newest version if possible, clear preferences in Illustrator (press and hold Shift-Ctrl/Command-Alt/Option and start Illustrator) may need to sign in and out of Creative Cloud and possibly reboot as well. But now mine works.
KamilN commented
I have the same issue on Windows 10 64bit, 16 GB of RAM
Nick Sidhu commented
I too have encountered this problem. This is with Illustrator CC 2019.
I first tried to place a 1.7MB JPG, and Illustrator complained with: 'Insufficient memory was available to complete the operation.'
I then converted my JPG to PNG and attempted to place that. Illustrator does nothing, almost as though you haven't even performed the Place operation.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue