Keep transparency of raster images is copied / pasted / drag-n-dropped
I have, let's say, image with background erased. I want to copy it from PS and paste into AI, intending opacity to be kept, but NO, you get opaque image.
I don't care who is in charge for this, you or PS team, just get it done already.
Same applies to PNGs from a browser.
I agree. Even though it’s actually an OS problem, and the hack to allow Windows clipboard to parse the transparency, it is seen like a bug for us users.
Anonymous commented
I'd argue this is a BUG and not a feature request.
Try drag & drop an image from a browser - the result it even worse!
Jhonatan commented
Faça com que pngs copiados de outras janelas sejam sem fundo ao serem colados na prancheta
Make pngs copied from other windows have no background when pasted to the clipboard
Glenn Hanna commented
It woks as expected on a Mac, but I recently switched to PC and am puzzled to why this is happening. I'm not switching back just for this. I'll take a screen snippet, I just prefer getting the original file dimensions without screen shot compression/decompression.
Anonymous commented
This is so annoying, it should be like that.
Stuart P commented
I have gotten used to not doing this when I switched to PC years ago. But disappointed to see its still not a feature that has been available on OS X for a very long time.
I would cut out several layers of needless user journey. Please implement!
Cara commented
Drag and drop from the web would be very helpful for me. I'm a scientist and I use Illustrator to make scientific figures of my data. Adobe Illustrator is widely used in science for data display and creating scientific cartoons. My primary data analysis and visualization platform is cloud-based. My workflow would be dramatically simplified if I could drag and drop png images directly from Chrome to Illustrator.
I assume it is Windows clipboard's fault, but it's not our fault
Anonymous commented
As a web developer I often want to get web images into my documents. When I drag and drop from a browser on Windows, the URL is imported as text which is useless.
Copy & paste works but PNG transparency comes in with a black background which is usually not workable wither.
The workaround is to copy the URL and use File > Place and paste the URL in to the address bar. Windows then downloads the image and places it in the document but this process takes 30 seconds which is a big interruption to a workflow.