Direct Selection tool selects objects in and outside of clipping masks
There is a bug (from maybe several versions back now) in which the direct selection tool sees and selects objects (and points) inside and outside of the clipping mask. The behavior In previous versions worked correctly (the direct selection tool only selected points on the clipping mask, not any of the inside contents). In the attached screenshot, you can see both the current bug and the previous expected behavior.
To summarize, the Direct Selection Tool should only be able to select a mask's points and not the objects inside the mask.

Brandon, I checked several previous version, until version 10.
What you claim to be an expected behavior (although I agree I'd love to have it as an option) — is not there.
If the segment of a clipped path gets intersected with a marquee with a Direct Selection — it gets selected, and moving it will result in a handle extension. I believe it was always like this. So can you please tell more about it. Which version do you refer to?There is, however, two things I can tell for sure.
First, Lasso (today we have only one of two we had before, Direct Lasso) select only points and ignore segments. If you do the the selection with it, you'd get only points.
Second, it is a known problem to the community, and there’s a script 'Select Only Points' which analyzes the selection and leaves only point, exactly for solving this problem. The script is written by Sergey Osokin, is free, and can be downloaded here:
It's not a perfect solution, but this is all we have now.
Thanks for the request and sorry for the long response. -
Sebastián Asegurado commented
Clipped objects sometimes also get stuck in selection even when there is no other object selected. In this case selection box is hidden, but it shows when you select an object outside clipping path. The only solution I've found is to enter the clipping path, deselect all objects, even the ones inside groups, and then go outside the isolation mode. this bug is probably going around for some years now.
Anonymous commented
please tell me how much time to resolve it.?