Unable to activate fonts because "Not signed in" even though I am signed in!
I am trying to open an Illustrator file that has two fonts which are not installed on my computer.
When I open the file, a dialog comes up and I click the "Find Fonts" button. However, it gives me an error saying that I am not signed in (see attachment "not signed in").
I am not able to click the Help menu option because the Find Font dialog window does not allow me to focus on the main window.
When I close the Find Font dialog, I check the help menu to discover that I am, in fact signed in! (see attachment "signed-in")
This is a terrible user experience to say the least.

Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.