Wrong font preview for RTL languages
There are a few problems with the new fonts preview in the last version of Illustrator.
1. Even though 'Selected Text' preview option is selected the preview shows first five Hebrew alphabet letters instead.
2. This happens weather the text box is selected or the text itself.
3. Sometimes the 'Selected Text' preview is shown. In those cases it's shown backwards (LTR instead of RTL).
This happens in spite of the fact that the text box is marked as a 'Hebrew' one and 'RTL Arabic' digits is selected.
I'm using a Mac running OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra.

Hi Eli,
Not all the fonts have all the glyphs available with them to show the preview. For the fonts where glyphs are not available, we show the default sample preview (that’s why you get first five glyphs for those fonts)
Hope This helps.
Anish Kumar
Illustrator QE
Eli Geller commented
Hi Anish,
This answers most of my comments. RTL Words preview presented backwards is still an issue.
It's not critical but it's still very annoying.Thanks