Align to compound shape / key object bug (CC 23.0.1 / Win 7)
While trying to distribute spacing using the Align palette, I've noticed a strange align bug which only appears to affect compound shapes when trying to align to a key object.
Steps to recreate:
1. Select two objects, one of which is a compound shape
2. Make the compound shape the key object (click on it while selected)
3. Set a distribute spacing distance in the Align palette, and click on the horizontal/vertical distribute spacing button.
The key object moves by the preset amount set and the second object get spaced from the key object by the same amount.
Expected result:
The key object should stay put and the 2nd object moves to the specified distance from the key object.
Expanding the compound shape using the pathfinder palette and repeating the steps above causes the key object/spacing to behave as it is expected to.
The attached video demonstrates the expected behaviour first and then highlights the issue. The video also shows a second issue whereby when you choose a key object without the Align palette at the forefront, the distribute spacing text entry point is greyed out.
Could be related to the following issues: