Interacting with properties panel can make app require force close
MacOS 10.14.1
Illustrator 23.0.1
Clicking on options in the 'Properties' palette, then clicking outside the resulting dialog can make the app become mostly unusable:
- Menus are greyed out
- any menu function can't be done, including save and quit

Hi David,
This happens, when you open some menu while a panel pop-up is still open. Since you had the fill popup open from properties panel, when you clicked on menu, so its grayed out.
You need to close the popup first to open the menu.
David commented
I just noticed that you have audaciously marked this issue as "resolved". It very much is not. If you would like me to take you though it in detail, I would be happy to.
David commented
That feels like a bad solution. The popup auto closes, and can't be reopened to reset AI. The only remedy to this issue is force restarting AI, losing all progress.