CC2019 - can't save file -inuse by another application error ID:-54

It is not clear on your post which version of Illustrator you are using.
Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Please do take a moment to review our support policy for removable and network media if you are using it:
Guillermo Turazzini commented
I have a very similar issue
I don't know if it was an update or what... but a couple of days ago my Illustrator started showing an error every time I wanted to save a file (see picture), being a newfile or a file I was previously working on, and trying to save modifications. I'm running Illustrator 2022 v26.3, my system info is attached (see picture).