Hex Color vs Save
Windows: 10.0.17763.557
Illustrator: 23.0.3 (64-bit)
Processor: Intel i7 8700k
GPU: NVidia GTX970
When I change the color of an object via hex code, Illustrator changes the color but does not detect that an edit has occurred to enable the save option.
Step by step:
1 - Create a new file in Illustrator in RGB mode.
2 - Type M and create a rectangle.
3 - Fill in the rectangle with any color.
4 - Save and close the file.
5 - Reopen the file.
6 - Select the rectangle.
7 - Press F6 to open the color panel. Choose the RGB mode.
8 - In the color panel change the color through the # field and press enter.
9 - Close the document.
You will notice that Illustrator did not ask if you wanted to save the change.
A related problem:
Color Undo not working
http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/37346881 -
Anonymous commented
I have this same problem. An additional consequence of this is that it does not allow me to save the document after only a color update through a hex-code paste.
This is frustrating when I need to update a color across several documents.
Joe D commented
Seeing this same bug. Very easy to reproduce.