Cambria text & large text cursor
Looks like this was happening in 2017 as well... when using Cambria font, the cursor is 2 or 3 times as large as it should be when editing text. Makes highlighting & editing multiple rows almost impossible. I'd attach a file but others have shown the same thing already and it's simply a text box with Cambria text and a huge cursor. Text size is 11, height set at 13. In the same document but a text box using BonvenoCF, the cursor is the right height.
Macbook Pro Mojave 10.14.5
Adobe Illustrator CC 23.0.4

The team is now intending to fix this
Tiffany Lea commented
Same thing here. It's incredibly annoying and I can't believe it is now 2022 and this still hasn't been resolved??
camarol hisyam commented
yes same situation..
Also happens for some other less known fonts