Buggy strokes, unwanted anti-aliasing and wrong sizes on export.
I have just completed a project where 1800 tool icons had to be redesigned for a CAD program. Exporting my icons to single and @2x PNGs butchers my icons.
If strokes are set to outside, export to PNG invariably produces unwanted anti-aliasing on vertically or horizontally stacked pixels. (see image 1.png). I have a hunch this only occurs with documents that have over 100 artboards. It cannot be easily reproduced with a document containing only a single artboard. (if someone from tech support wants the document, let me know. I cannot share it publicly.)
When the arrow up cursor is used with a modifier key (cmd) in a number field of the transform palette, it should never increase both values if they are not locked to each other. This used to work but has been broken for at least two years now. (See ArrowUp.gif)
Artboards move around. I am not sure this is not me. However when I export my icons, I often have artboards on top of other artboards or some artboards have even moved hundreds of pixels away. This may be due to the way that artboards are selected though. Using shift to select several artboards does not quite work like selecting objects. There is always one artboard selected and every time the user wants to select multiple artboards via the marquee selection, one artboard somewhere in the drawing is already selected and must first be deselected by clicking into empty space. This feels non-standard.
Thank you.
Please see https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447-illustrator-bugs/suggestions/38234998-in-documents-with-a-lot-of-artboards-incorrect-si also. Thanks.
Please do. I remember the problem with the inside/outside strokes... these are internally dynamic compound paths, and they used to behave the same, adding a ghost of a line... but I can’t say it’s happening now.
Stephan Mönninghoff commented
Thank you Egor, I think the arrow issue and the moving artboard has been fixed (or, the moving artboards were user error). I have not seen the anti-aliasing recently, maybe this is because I mainly export SVG now. I will try later if I can reproduce this.
Stephan, I am going to split this into three reports.
Testing these, I can’t see the problem with Ctrl+arrows is a thing anymore — the second size never changes for me.
Can you test this, please? -
Stephan Mönninghoff commented
Could someone from tech support comment here please? These bugs are a serious problem for me. I would at least appreciate a workaround. The problem is, once this happens, dividing up my documents into documents with fewer artboards does not help. Since I cannot copy and paste artboards into new documents, I am at a loss as to what I can do. Thanks!