Applied gradient disappears and become black when applied to a compound path with a single anchor point included
I use the same gradient for several objects in a illustration. When closing and opening the document, one of the objects the gradient disappears and is filled black. The preview looks fine.
I already found the problem. It happens with compound paths with a single anchor point is included.
AI 23.1.1
MacOs 10.13.6

I remember this problem. I discovered it first in 2017 and I still have the test file — here it is.
The thumbnail still shows the way it should look, but on open the compound paths with isolated points become black — and I used these to control the span of the gradients, since I had no other means for this in 2017 (I do have now, thanks to the Gradiator plugin).
Will try to find if I had this reported then...
Thanks for sharing! -
Ten_A commented
Illustrator ver.29.1再現手順
Kirra commented
The gradient was applied to a compound path element. Once compound path released. gradient will appear as usual.
Kirra commented
I am using Mac Os Catalina 10.15.2 with Illustrator 2020. When I close a file that contains an element with a circular gradient fill applied and re-open the file, the colour gradient disappears and appears black. I have tried saving as ai, eps and pdf. all 3 files still produce a black element on reopening.