Save As PDF Bug
Saving a PDF throws a repeatable error that the AI file was not saved as PDF-Compatible when it 100% was. I have tested it many times. The problem resolves only if: Close Illustrator, go to hidden "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" file and open in Text Editor. Navigate to this part:
/aiFileFormat {
/enableATEReadRecovery 0
/PDFCompatibility 1
/enableATEWriteRecovery 0
/enableContentRecovery 0
/dumpPGFwithoutShortcut 0
And delete the 1 after "/PDFCompatibility" then type 1 again and save. Reopen Illustrator and the PDF saves fine... ONCE. All old versions of AI Preferences have been deleted from my machine and this still happens every. single. time.
I have to go through this process every single time I need to save a PDF, which is multiple times per day in an agency. This is unacceptable and has slowed down my work considerably.
Attached is the PDF file error that I get with every single PDF, even though I have quadruple checked that my AI Files are saved as PDF-Compatible.
Is this still happening in newer versions?