Editing Pattern Swatch + Saving = Crash (unsaved, unrecovered)
After creating a new pattern swatch with about a dozen objects, I double click the swatch to change the pattern settings. Either of the following scenarios cause Illustrator to crash EVERY TIME, using ANY of the last 3 versions of Illustrator:
— hitting Command+S to exit pattern editor while saving
— double clicking to exit, and then hitting Command+S at any point afterwards
TLDR; hitting Command+S anytime AFTER editing a pattern swatch is crashing Illustrator
I've replicated this issue about 2 dozen times now across all 3 most recent builds of Illustrator available through CC.
I haven't yet tried saving through the menu, so I don't know if it's isolated to just the keyboard shortcut.
I have found one annoying work-around: copy the objects I want to build the pattern from, past them into a new, blank document, create pattern swatch, edit swatch, apply to shape, copy shape, paste back into original document. If I perform those steps, I can save without crashing Illustrator. Obviously not an ideal scenario as you want to edit your patterns in proximity to the art you are applying them to.

I am trying to make it crash with latest Ai Beta at Windows 10, with all the files shared, and saving just works for me :(
aurore brucelle commented
I have exactly the same issue !!! But I am in 2024. I don't understand where this issue from ?
I need help please ! -
aurore brucelle commented
Quand je souhaite modifier le motif que j'ai créé, illustrator ne répond plus, j'ai essayé de désinstaller et réinstaller- de prendre des versions antérieures mais rien n'y fait .
Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64
Illustrator 28.6
Ashleigh commented
Currently having this issue on Illustrator 25.3.1
I created a pattern fine but once I started editing the pattern I could no longer save. Whenever I try to save, I get the beach ball, the application stalls, and I have to force quit with no recovered file.
Jenny commented
I am also having these problems. Love to see a fix ASAP. Thanks!
Margaret Trauth commented
I've been having this problem too. Just spent a half hour swearing at it today.
I find that SOMETIMES it will save. Sometimes. If I just move stuff around it will usually save, for instance; ungrouping stuff that was grouped when I made the pattern will result in crash-on-save, so will changing the name.
Saving from the menu instead of the shortcut does not make any difference.
Doing file>save as... instead of file>save will also result in an instant crash, with nothing changing in the filesystem.
I've attached a file that's nothing but a pattern that's ready to crash, with some text in the document on how to quickly reproduce this.