Cannot extract the embedded font 'XLVASC+Jack'sCandlestick'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
Cannot extract the embedded font 'XLVASC+Jack'sCandlestick'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
OS: macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Beta (19E234g)
Repro steps:
[1] Open Adobe Illustrator 24.0.3
[2] Create a new project
[3] Place a new text on the artboard
[3.5] Install Jack's Candlestick Regular font (see attached)
[4] Change the Font of the text to Jack's Candlestick Regular
[5] File / Save a copy...
[6] Format Adobe PDF (pdf)
[7] Adobe PDF Preset: Amazon KDP Paperback (see attached)
[8] Save PDF
[9] Open PDF in Acrobat Reader Build: 20.6.20034.366983
Expected: the document opens with no issues
Actual: an error message is shown (see screenshot attached)

Mark R commented
I'm having the same issue with different fonts, in this screenshots case it's not embedding Bohemian Typewriter from Dafont. And no, it's NOT an Acrobat issue, the font doesn't display correctly in Preview or any other software that isn't Illustrator on a computer with the font installed.
VE Design Studio commented
Pingback to the issue about the Acrobat Reader (Build: 20.6.20034.366983)