Bug: Shift + clicking anchor point with Delete Anchor Point tool doesn't retain curve shape
24.1.1 on Windows 10 and Mac Mojave
In CC 2020, Shift + clicking an anchor point with the Delete Anchor Point tool is supposed to work like the Simplify Path tool -- the shape of the curve shouldn't change. But even on a path with redundant anchors, this new shortcut doesn't work. The curve changes shape as in previous versions.

It works fine in the latest versions.
Please check if it does and comment back if it doesn’t.
Darryl, this works for me.
This trick currently works only for the Delete Anchor Point Tool picked, not the Pen tool. Indeed, a default hotkey for picking this tool is Minus key. The cursor then becomes lie the one Pen tool has, but with a small minus. Then you have to hold Shift and click the point while holding Shift.
Please comment back if it works for you this way. -
Darryl Blake commented
Holding shift while I click a anchor point removes the point and the shapes moves too. I've tried mulitple different shapes and add lots of anchors testing this.
I did see a video that had a guy select the remove anchor tool, and then hit the minus key and the icon on the tool changed.
He was then able to remove the anchor and keep the shape. But it was a tiktok video with no explanation how he got it to work.
When I choose the tool and click minus , it does nothing.
I am on 2024 - 29.1
Bob, two points you have in the end are just not enough to convey the curve’s character. Illustrator here does the best possible thing... but you need a center point to have that kind a of a curvature turn in a Bezier curve.
Bob Flisser commented
Running Illustrator 26.0.3 on Monterey, I don't see any change in the behavior. See attached screen shot.
yusuf commented
We use Illustrator with Middle East type settings. When we select "Middle Eastern and South Asian Single-line Composer" from Paragraph Panel -> Menu, it does not update the Paragraph panel or Character panel.
We are having a hard time to select the number from RTL to LTR especially with digits. We DO NOT see this Digits option in Characters panel because as stated earlier, this panel does not update automatically.
Jason commented
24.3 still poses a problem with this tool. When shift clicking I am getting some point that retain curve and some that just throw out very strange angles and even crash Illustrator at times. This is exactly why I hate upgrading. Nothing but problems on the last 2 updates.
Joel Beachman commented
I spent ages trying to figure out what was going on after watching a video about this "Great new feature"
Johnny Sayasane commented
This needs to be back!
Rob commented
This is why I use Glyphs : (
Zhalgas Kassymkulov commented
Yes! Please fix it. I'm still using older version for now just because of this bug, I've also reported it in the community: