In-app tutorials not opening
I am using Adobe Illustrator 2020 24.1.2 that I downloaded from Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop.
I am operating on a Microsoft Windows 10 Home version 10.0.18363.
I opened the app and clicked on the in-app tutorials available in the Learn section. The tutorials that opens in browsers open just fine, it is only the in-app tutorials that do not respond in any way when clicked on.
I expected the in-app tutorial to open and show a step-by-step tutorial by opening a new project, similar to the in-app tutorials in other Adobe apps (Premiere Pro, Photoshop, etc.).
The actual result was that nothing happened. When the clicker was moved to the tutorial, it was highlighted and the clicker turned into a hand icon. When I clicked onto it nothing opened.
Everything else other than these tutorials are working fine. My device and Adobe Cloud apps are fully updated, so I am confused why nothing opened when it should have.

Rachel Bond commented
My tutorials are not loading properly either. I can sometimes search or browse them but specific ones (like the "Jump Into Color") have not been loading for several days in a row. I just downloaded Adobe the other week and it should be fully updated/current.