In the latest version cursor keys are now moving the selected objects/nodes 2 pixels instead of 1
Up until 24.2.1 if I selected an object or node and hit the cursor keys they would move 1 pixel in the direction of the key. Now all of a sudden they move 2. makes trying to align/tweak the position of objects/nodes really difficult and painful

This often happens when we open Preferences and accidentally press Up or Down arrow key. The very first field focused in the dialog is Keyboard Increment value, and pressing an arrow makes it either zero (which turns into the smallest allowed value of 0.0001) or 2 (if you had 1).
Open Preferences and change the value back.
You are welcome, Dru.
I have no idea how it can be changed by itself and I almost never met complains about it — but 3-4 I have already. Thank you for reporting, it helps. -
Dru commented
Hi Egor,
Thanks for helping out. It turns out for some reason my keyboard increment values were set to 1.0001. Not sure why it was set to this value (I didnt even know there was a keyboard increment value until your comment).
Anyway, setting it back to 1px seems to fix the problem.
Thank you for your help
Dru, please check 2 things:
1. What keyboard increment value do you have set in Preferences
2. Do you have Snap to grid enabled?
There’s a bug when these two interfere.