illustrator bug erasing files
I save all files locally. Yesterday i made a 'v2' of a project, saved in the same location as the 'v1', had both opened and worked on the v2, and exported PNGs from it to use in another app (saved frequently between edits). Today I discovered the PNGs and v1 are still in the folder, but not the v2.
It is not listed in my Mac's 'recent files', it doens not turn up in search, it is not in the cloud storage, i did not use an external, and I also did not accidentally erase the file-go into the trash- and accidentally erased it again for good.
Is anyone else beginning to experience files just dropping off the face of their computer? This only started for me after the previous Illustrator error of 'an all black screen when having more than one file open' stopped.

It could be the bug, already fixed in the prerelease version, when exported files take name of the previously saved file:
But it could also be something else, unfortunately. Try to do some more tests, because this looks quite random now.