Scatter Brush doesn't align smoothly to curve
Hi, I'm using Illustrator 24.2.3 on an Imac late 2015.
Scatter Brush seems to have issues with curves. If I create a scatter brush from a single object, the line seems to follow the curve loosely in straight line segments, creating a very jagged effect. I've attached images to hopefully clarify. The thinner "smaller brush element" examples I have included are made from a small circle shape a little less than one pixel in diameter. The "jagged" issue seems to disappear, however, if the curve is large enough (see the 11-inch small-brush-circle below) OR until the stroke weight increases to something over 6pt. (at which width this specific brush no longer serves its intended purpose). At the suggestion of a very helpful commenter, I tried making a larger brush element to begin with (a dot of almost half an inch diameter, about 32 pixels), and that seemed to solve the problem at first. But once I brought the point size of the brush down closer to the width I needed, the problem arises again. Hopefully that all makes sense! I would be happy to give more clarification, examples, videos, etc if needed. Thanks!

That is not true.
Scatter brush has been this broken for YEARS. It didn’t get worse, it’s you just think that previous Ai versions were better :)Here, I reproduced the art you have (that brushed piece of it) in latter CC and CS2.
They look identical!
1. Sure I vote for fixing it!
2. To workaround, select the circle and do Object > Path > Add Anchor Points several times. -
Anonymous commented
Scatter brush: rotation relative to path is messed up.
Seems like the way the scatter brush follows the path is segmented which gives bad result. see image below.
I know for shure it used to be a lot better in previous versions. I'm very disappointed in those constant bad downgrading "updates" -
Russ, I’m glad that you posted this. Scatter Brush always used to behave like this, and I’m happy that you still feel it’s bad, enough to show and tell.