Changing color on gradient object freezes illustrator
I noticed a similar issue someone was having in 2019, but it doesn't seem precisely the same. I am running Illustrator 24.3 on Windows 10. I recently pulled up an Illustrator file from last year to pull items for a new, related project. One of the vectors is a gradient - I'm trying to change it to solid fill. The only way I can do this right now is to change it to whatever solid is my default in my Tools panel, then change it to the actual color I want in my color palette. The Color palette automatically selects one of the colors in the gradient with no way to deselect. Clicking a color in the Color palette from there creates a new gradient point buried or invisible beneath another one. If I try to switch the entire object to solid fill after accidentally editing this gradient point color, Illustrator freezes and shuts down.

Amanda, does it still happen for you in latest versions of Illustrator?
If yes — can you please record the steps to replicate this on video?