Never ever change keyboard increments to 0,0028px
I updated illustrator this morning, and without ever knowing that this could be a possibility...nudging with the arrow keys just seem to stop working. It was extremely annoying since it is kind of second nature for me to use it. So I scrolled through google, looked everywhere to know how and why this is happening. After a while, in the midst of working, I finally see that I could change the 'keyboard increment' back to my trusted 0,5 px. I am truly baffled why anyone would think it is a good idea to just change that to 0,0028? what would be the reason to do that?? Also, it really threw me off what I was doing today which was totally unnecessary.....Please don't do that again, thank you!!

There were several reports here and there about this parameter going to the minimum allowed value by itself.
While this can be indeed a bug that happens for sure, another possible explanation can be the fact this value is the first one to be focused when Preferences shows up. I takes one gesture then to make it go all the way down, especially on Macs.
This would have to be studied closely.
Anonymous commented
hey this fixed my problem ...thanks a lot