File seems to be permanently stuck in isolation mode resulting in many objects being unselectable
Basically was doing a simple school project activated isolation mode and deactivated it quickly while doing this the application became unresponsive and crashed and the recovered file still had this effect persist with only one line selectable It cannot be turned off
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I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
chay reyes commented
This might not be the best solution, but I strategized. What I did was go to layers and select all. Then, I copied and created a NEW document and pasted all my elements there. I may have to re-create new artboards, BUT AT LEAST, I got all my elements. I saved the file to the same filename so it overwrites.
Igor Galba commented
In the Layers palette flyout menu, choose the Unlock All Layers command. In the Layers palette you can see four small circles (right-handside) that are marked with a grey fill. Click on the target circles (one by one) and while they are selected go to the Transparency palette and set the opacity to 100 %
Anna commented
It happened to me too. Pretty frustrating but I found a better tip. Go to File-> Version History -> Find the time before isolation - Pres on the three dots-> Revert to this version.... Hope this help :-)
shashank pandey commented
even though , i am not sure if this will help any one, but what i did was i opened layer option, there was certain layers locked, unlocked it, and selected everything and pasted on new art board, (copy and paste from artboard option, to save some time )
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. I wish Adobe would get the kinks worked out before releasing new version!
Doug Roberts commented
Kurt Gold suggests these steps to reproduce the bug:
Create a blank document.
Draw some circles.
Select one of them and enter Isolation Mode (at the object level) via right-click.
Move (or scale) the circle.
Quit Isolation Mode.
Cmd+Z (Undo).
Again Cmd+Z (Undo). -
Anonymous commented
When on isolation more it breaks and can't get back. Leaves layers in 50% transparency and messed up entire document. Please fix ASAP. Not sure how you broke something that's been working just fine for a long time.
Adam commented
I *think* the error occurs when you try to undo back to a step BEFORE you entered isolation mode. . . Will try to test again and upload file with steps to reproduce - but i think this is the cause.
Causes all sub-layers to go 50% transparency and lock, then the software freezes up and crashes.
Anonymous commented
Oh that's rough. I'd suggest talking to your prof or system admin then and see if they can't roll back. We ended up having so many stability issues beyond just this that that was our solution. Until 2021 is fixed and actually functional, we're sticking with 2020.
Rachel commented
I'm using creative cloud but I'm getting it through uni so I don't seem to have that option though I've just realised that when I copy and paste my work into a new 2021 illustrator file it seems to fix it, still annoying but better than nothing lol
Anonymous commented
If you're using creative cloud, there's an option to install previous versions. I ended up having to go back and reinstall because I use isolation mode all the time, an this being broken in 2021 is making it impossible to work, especially since it keeps breaking the files. You want to click "other versions" and install 24.3.
Rachel commented
This keeps happening to me out of habit when I click into isolation mode by mistake and the command+z exit. Is there anyway to fix this? I don't have access to illustrator 2020
Ozcan commented
In isolation mode if i try to get out there are many times where the document automatically creates locked layers. You can't get out of isolation mode until you unlock the layers, move them around or flatten the whole document. I do not use layers so it adds it by itself
Nikita commented
Did you find any solution as I am experiencing the same issues many times and my files are getting useless.
Anonymous commented
Illustrator 25.0 on Windows 10
Throughout November 2020, I have been experiencing issues where I isolate a selected group or path, then after a while, it seems the option to leave isolation mode has left. I am still in isolation mode but unable to exist it, even after hitting escape, double clicking the other area, etc. The panel on the top of the isolation layer also disappears, yet everything else is greyed out, I cannot select anything, nor can I see the other layers. -
whistlerpro commented
Same problem on multiple machines, I will be in an illustrator document, get stuck in isolation mode and have to abandon the document as I can't escape the mode.
Melissa commented
The file started displaying as if in isolation mode while working. Some colors are faded, others are not, yet the color palette indicates that the elements are the same color. Closed the file, reset it, and turned off computer. Error persisted.
No masks, clipping masks, etc causing this. Recently updated my Mac to IOS Big Sur, so may be one of the kinks between iOS and CC?
Adam commented
New idea - provide a product discount while you fix the isolation mode bug.
Major flaw in expensive software = discount for your loving, loyal customers?I (many of us) rely on this software for my job, recent bugs have created major workflow disruptions and decreased efficiency.
Bárbara Martins commented
Hi everyone,
I kinda...solved my file.
Copied it and opened again (problem still there) then I went to the layers and created a new one and dragged everything to the new one (which meant a lot of work afterwards) and deleted all the others. The object that got me stuck on isolation mode was lost but I finally can work on the file.I had to remake the object I lost but luckily, this time, wasn't a very complex one. As every was jointed in a layer I had to separate them all again and organize everything again.
So...not a solution but I'd call it a quick fix. :) Hope this helps since adobe itself has said or done nothing about it.
Belinda commented
I am using Mac OS Catalina (Early 2015 Macbook Pro - specs screenshot attached)
To give some description, I have two boxes of texts that are grouped together that I wanted to isolate and move the text.
I right click -> isolate selected group on the two text boxes, but after trying to double click out of isolation mode and back to normal everything has remained greyed out and unclickable, as if its still in isolation mode but it's showing its not in it anymore (theres no bar at the top to show that its in isolation mode), so the document is basically useless. (video to show what I mean is attached - it doesn't show my clicks or trying to press esc. but I was doing that in the video and nothing happens apart from the ability to select the text box)
I hadn't saved the document at this point so I thought I should save it, restart my computer and open it back up again and it should go back to normal, but it's still the same.
I also noticed when I looked at the preview for the file, that even the preview is showing like that (screenshot attached)
I've put the file with the issue here too.