can't use the hand tool while using type tool anymore
If you're using the type tool, you used to be able to hit the command key, then press the space bar to bring up the hand tool to move the canvas around without affecting the type. It's worked this way for years and years. Now, however, when you bring up the hand tool while type is selected, the space bar adds spaces while the hand tool is also operating. Please fix this!
This is another one of dozens of examples of things that worked flawlessly in Illustrator for years, but is now fundamentally broken. These types of problems are plaguing Illustrator and are being overlooked for months and years despite the repeated requests in User Voice.
I hate this program now. I used to love it, but what was once a phenomenal creative tool has become a hindrance to productivity. It's a massive frustration that I'm forced to use. It's almost as big of a pain ********** is it is using Microsoft Office products.
I've already started moving away from Adobe products when it comes to creative tools on my iPad. I now actively encourage others to find Adobe alternatives when I'm asked about programs/creative tools...and I know I am not the only one. That's not good, Adobe.
Please, give a sh*t about your customers and fix this deteriorating program. I honestly would go back to a CS version if I could. Just atrocious....
I also can't post the screen capture example I was attempting to attach. Again, great UX, Adobe.
I hate you.

Cmd/Ctrl + Space does not enable the Pan tool, it enables the Zoom tool. But Alt/Opt now does enable the Pan while editing a text — use this instead.
I honestly doubt if Cmd+Space was ever working as Pan while editing a text... I've checked several older versions, from 10 to CS6, and Cmd+Space for me always toggles Zoom. I am on Windows, but I doubt there is a difference in this.
Holding Alt though is a recent addition though.