Dragging a gradient slider stop changes the opacity of other stops on the slider
Hi all.
Since I was asked by one of the Adobe employees, here's my post.
Windows 10.
I am getting seriously miffed. After using Illustrator ever since the nineties I can no longer do what I need so, so often: duplicating a color stop in a gradient while keeping the other stops as they are.
Say I have the following:
Stop 1 - position 0 - Opacity 0
Stop 2 - position 25 - Opacity 100
Stop 3 - position 75 - Opacity 100
Stop 5 - position 100 - Opacity 0
I need a zero opacity stop on position 50 and 'Alt-drag' the stop on either 0 or 100 to position 50 to copy it.
This always worked, but no more.
Instead, in the latest version it removes the opacity values from every stop it passes.
If I 'Alt-drag' an opaque stop the same happens, all stops that used to be transparent are now fully opaque.
It sometimes even affects stops in the vicinity, sigh.
I can't work like this. I mean, I know workarounds, but I simply want to get on and work normally (fast). Can we hope for a speedy fix?

Confirm to happen on Windows. Never spotted on Macs.