Unwanted automatic grouping of compound paths with blob brush tool
When I draw too close to an existing path/compound path with the blob brush, it automatically groups the two (SEPERATE!) path together.
It is "solved" if I check "merge only with selection" but that is not a real fix.
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator/unwanted-grouping/m-p/12309007#M286929 see this thread for more on this issue.
On MacBook Air M1, newest update, using wacom tablet. It did not ever happen before.

Hi Everyone,
We have fixed this bug in release – v 26.0 which is available worldwide. Thanks for your patience on this.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Warm regards,
Aishwarya 'G' Gadodia
Illustrator Team
Mark Nicoll commented
Agreed, this is madening. Causes bugs I've never seen before too. Nest errors or some such, followed by errors grouping objects due to be more than 29 sub-levels deep (which I didn't want or make), and then a can't ungorup the objects error
Doug Roberts commented
More detail in this topic:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator/blob-brush-grouping-layer-together-even-when-they-are-not-touching-in-illustrator-v25-4-1/m-p/12312342This appears to occur when the bounding box of the blob brush shape overlaps the previously-selected (filled) object of the same fill colour.
Michal Domian commented
After lastest update of illustrator when I draw lines with blob brush they group together even when they aren' t touching. WTH?
I do one line, another line next to the first one and when i choose select tool and click either first or second both are selected. When I do ungroup via shortcuts it is not working, I must click ungroup from menu.
Can someone fix it or tell me how to fix it? It is really annoying especially when I am using blob brush for lines art in my graphic.