25.4.1 is available in Creative Cloud but the What's New section of the user guide only covers 25.3.
The CC installer is bugging me to install 25.4.1, as shown in the highlighted portion of this screenshot. But the "view more" link leads to https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/user-guide.html/illustrator/using/whats-new.ug.html, which only describes 25.3.
I personally am in the prerelease program, so I can dig up the release notes and see that 25.4.0 is a release that fixes a dozen or so small bugs that haven't affected me, but most people aren't. And 25.4.1 is a total mystery, with nothing in the prerelease section. Can we get the public "what's new" page updated to say that 25.4.0 fixes a bunch of the top uservoice bugs, and that 25.4.1 does... whatever it does?