Marquee selects empty layers
We are using a document template with nested layers (i.e. all layers are in correct order and properly named before drawing starts)
Marqueeing objects unfortunately selects some empty layers besides those that lead to the artwork. The document info displays the selection correctly, and the attribute panel reports differing notes.

Still can’t reproduce it.
No objects in the doc seem to have any notes, there is no green spot one can marquee over, marqueeing seems normal to me.
Perhaps this should better recorded on video, if it’s still a problem. -
Anonymous commented
just marquee over the green spot. You should see many layers highlighted, and differing notes reported in the attributes panel
Problem appears with Illu 2020 as well as 2022, OS is Windows 10 -
Can you share the file and the video of how it works for you?
If the information is private, please email them at
Without the steps to reproduce the issue and the file there are literally no chances to catch the issue.