Holding alt to make the Width tool only change one side of a brushed path snaps the other side to zero.
- Draw a path. Give it a simple, thick stroke.
- Hold down ALT while using the Width tool to change one side's width; note that the other side stays the same width.
- Draw a new path. Give it an art brush or pattern brush.
- Hold down ALT while using the Width tool to change one side's width; note that the other side suddenly snaps to zero-width.
I would swear the Width tool used to behave as in step 2 on brushed paths? It'd be nice to get this reversion fixed. Or to make the Width tool behave consistently across different kind of paths, if it's always been this way.
(Observed on 26.0.2.)

I confirm that, and I don’t like the inconsistency.
Interesting it doesn’t jump to a zero for a brush, it’s strange 0.007mm or 0.0208px. What.
I think it IS a bug. -
Margaret Trauth commented
Hmm, 23.1.1 (2019) and 22.1.0 (2018) are doing the same thing. So if it's a reversion it's been around a while, I guess this is more of an enhancement request after all - feel free to move this to the appropriate place, o moderators.