Date Modified has been replaced by Date Created in 'Open' window in Illustrator, but remains in Finder
The title pretty much says it. I'm on OS Monterey 12.4. We have already tried with Ai 26.3.1, 25.0 and, 24.0 version with the help of an Adobe agent over a remote session but issue remains same. In the Finder, when I open a window, I can list the files ordered by Date Modified, but within Illy, it's ONLY Date Created. There is no way to get it to show Modified. I got a new (to me) system about a month or so, and installed the newest version of Illy, and that's when this started. My old versions showed Date Modified. I'm at a loss.
Stewart commented
It's Nov 2024 and this is still an issue. I can't believe the basic functionality of the Mac finder doesn't work correctly with Adobe Illustrator. and no one at Adobe seems to care :-/
Mac M3 OS Sonoma v 14.4.1 Illustrator 28.71 -
Dagur commented
This problem still occurs. I have the latest version of Illustrator 24.3 on a MacBook Pro 16 inch 2019 with macOS Catalina 10.15.6. Date created changes everytime I modify a document along with Date modified and Date added. The only thing that changes is Date last opened.
Hope you have a solution for this.
Sixto commented
Que cuando le doy a imprimir, me sale otra pantalla diciendo que el programa se a cerrado inesperadamente, y no me deja imprimir, que puedo hacer, gracias
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem: Illustrator files always have the same creation and modification date (and hour)? Also when I created the file the day before, the creation date will changed when I save it. Thanks
Ktyler commented
Now that I've updated to Illustrator 24.0, the "date created" on my file changes when I make changes to the file. The original "date created" date/time keeps changing to the same date as he "date modified" date/time. The "date added" is also doing the same thing.
I'm on a Mac using macOS Catalina 10.15.1, but it's doing the same thing for my coworkers who are using earlier macOS versions.
Philip King commented
The Home Screen lists recent files sorted by "last modified" even when those files have not been modified.
The list actually shows the files which were last *viewed* (or last closed), regardless of whether the file has been modified.
It would be useful to have both these options, but the current situation is wrong and misleading.