Selecting and moving points
When I select a curve that has another element behind, and then try to select a point to move it, most of the time I end up selecting and element behind this point (another curve or layer). So to avoid this I end up locking all element except the one I'm working on it, if I don't end up loosing a lot of time doing this point selection over and over...
My guess is you should establish some virtual lock while this moving operation are happening, or some priority hierarchy...
Another problem is while I move the point I'm pressing the click of my Wacom pencil and I soon as I stop clicking the point should stop moving... but a lot of time even if I'm not clicking anymore the point stills moves, this is veery annoying, because I have to Ctrl+Z or remove the point...
These two problems make my overall editing experience awful.
The issue got solved by increasing the Tolerance value in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display, from 3px to a larger value.
If you want to request it to be device-independent, or self-adjusting, or anything like that — please make it a separate request.