"The file is not readable" Can't paste image into Illustrator without saving it to computer
When I try to paste an image I copied from pinterest/google etc, it always shows "the file is not readable". Now I have to save every image I want and then drag and drop/place it in illustrator. Which is an additional step I don't need and is very frustrating.
I've never had this problem before. Can anyone help?
Hmm. Can’t reproduce at my side, but I am on Windows, using Opera, and most probably try wrong sides form a different provider...
Anyway, I will push it to the team for investigation. Thanks! -
Cami commented
I can paste the image anywhere (photoshop, whatsapp, telegram, notes) except on Ai. I'm using Illustrator 2023 v27.5. The issue occurred only recently when I updated Ai to the latest version. I was previously using the 2021 version with no issues.
Perhaps the format the browser uses to keep the image in the buffer is something Ai can’t read. Even if the image is said to be a JPEG or a PNG, the CDN can use something like a WEP instead... but Ai now supports WEBP. Which version are you using?
Can you paste this image anywhere else, like in Photoshop? or something less graphics-related, like a word processor?
And it can be a different problem altogether. More details needed.