Appearance panels not consistent
For some reason, the two ways to inspect the Appearance of the selection do not reflect the same information.
In the small panel a triangle with an exclamation mark appeared to make note of the fact that two strokes are applied and I should check the Appearance panel.. Why not show the correct Appearance information in all Appearance panels?
See screenshot.

Jan, do you refer to this warning symbol in Control?
It does not say you have two strokes, it signals the one currently focused in not the top one. Clicking it focuses the topmost stroke or fill.As for the truncated version of Appearance in Properties... why use Properties at all? :) sorry, I just can’t stand it.
Still, the information it does show is consistent with the main Appearance panel — in a way. The order is just wrong, and the second stroke is not displayed... is this what is bothering you?