HEX References don't copy first time when you click on them!
It's a new bug. But every time I click on the HEX panel in the Color palette, and press 'CMD+C' to copy, it deselects it the first time I do it, so every time I have to do it again. IT'S INFURIATINGLY TIME-WASTING.
A similar thing happens in Photoshop, when you click on the 'Opacity' in the top of the layer palette. When you clicked on the word 'Opacity' it used to highlight the percentage so you could type your own, or 'Shift+down-arrow or 'Shift+up-arrow' to increase or decrease the opacity, or just type your own in. This doesn't happen any more either!

whistlerpro commented
Hi I'm using Illustrator 2023 on Mac OS (on an M1 Max MBP) and also experience this bug when using Cmd+C to copy a hex value. When I go to paste there is nothing there. It's very irritating when I need to copy paste values into the document I'm working on.
This also seems to affect the clickable # icon, sometimes I will click it and it copies the value, but more often than not the clipboard is empty.
Rob Laird commented
Here's the file. It seems to be when I tap on a swatch that's not part of the standard swatches in the palette (so, one that I've created). I do it, partly because that's they way I've always done it and it seems to have changed. You'll see, when I click, the moment I press CMD+C it deselects?
Rob, interesting.
Actually, Ai copies the field contents into buffer automatically when you click the blue underlined octothorpe (hash) symbol next to it.
But I assume it’s easier to click an select the field and press Cmd+C, right?
How do you select the value? I can’t reproduce this problem on Windows, whichever method I try. Can you please record a short small video of it, or a GIF)?As for the Photoshop problem — this has to be logged as a bug at https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem/ct-p/ct-photoshop