RGB colors keep changing on their own
RGB colors keep changing on their own. File is open and after a while the rgb colours have changed. They become duller and keep needing to be reset. I have set the file up in rgb web mode. Have checked the color profile to rgb also. This makes illustrator almost unusable. Can't send file to client without having to go through every color to make sure it hasn't shifted. Serious bug issue that has been reported on before in 2022
Keith, thanks for the report.
Nothing can be said or investigated without the actual file.
Please send one. Make a copy, remove all the stuff you don’t want to make public, leave only basic shapes and swatches.
Provide the details about the Ai version you are using, and the OS.
Share a screenshot of the Color Settings you have.
Check which profile the document is using via Assign Profile dialog and share a screenshot as well. -
Keith Hubbard commented