Shift + F puts screen in presentation mode.
WIth version 28.2 Shift + F puts the screen in presentation mode even though there is no hotkey setting for it, it was blank in the keyboard shortcut menu.
I added a hotkey command that i would never use to so it doesn't keep going into it when I accidentally hit those keys since ctrl + F i use a lot. and Shift + F still puts it in presentation mode. I have never had this issue before until today...

The issue still persists... Since Ai does not allow to search both Tools and Menu Commands at the same time, a chance that both commands will be modified is very small — and you are a living proof. The problem is that there is probably no mechanism to allow one command to appear in both sections, and no one to make these share a shortcut.
SH commented
Thank you!!!!
I confirm that. When I try to assign Shift + F to something else, Ai reports a conflict. If I go to the command that uses Shift + F, I get the Presentation Mode... but no the one in Menu Commands, but in Tools.
For some reason these are two commands, that have the same name and perform the same operation, but one is in View menu, and another one got added into the tool panel, along with Normal and Full Screen Modes.
Unbind the second one as well, and it won’t bother you.
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