Confusing repeated profile mismatch warning
When drag and drop is used to place an image into an Illustrator document that has a color profile that is different than the image, Illustrator will link the image and will not warn for the profile difference, even if the profile mismatch warning is checked in the Color Settings.
Using the Place command it will give you a warning about the Profile mismatch.
When the document is saved and opened, Illustrator will start to warn for an Embedded Profile Mismatch and say that the document has an embedded profile that does not match the current RGB Working Space.
This is confusing, the document is not the Illustrator document, but the linked image.
If there are more linked images with a different profile, it will repeat the warning.
I would like to see a warning when drag/drop an image with a profile mismatch.
I would like to see clearly that the mismatch is about the image and not the document when opening the Illustrator document.
I would like to have an Apply to All button/checkbox when multiple images mismatch the document profile.
Add "Apply to all" button to Embedded Profile Mismatch window
This also:
Option to assign chosen profile selection to all open documents in Missing Profile box