Can’t select an object under a locked object
I'd like to be able to work on an area that is under a locked layer.
Currently I can't select anything that is under it. Selection tools just want to select the object on top that it ain't allowed to select... Can't it ignore it? It is locked.
Maybe there is a paramaeter somewhere about it, but I didn't find it so far.
Example of use : You have a reference image/object that you put on top with multiply or darken mode and some transparency.
You could say put it under your working layer and ask you working layer to be in that fusion mode but I'd rather not change its fusion mode as this would be the illustration in the end (then I have to put it back on normal fusion) while the reference would go away anyway.
I don't see a work around with isolation as I can't have the object on top with its multiply/darken fusion mode.

This most probably happens because of the 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option being enabled in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.
It allows to 'select' and unlock all or chosen objects directly on canvas. If you wish to have this option split into two — one for unlock widgets and one for having an ability to 'select' locked objects — please upvote a corresponding feature request here:
Mara commented
Thanks a lot Egor !
Here is a report about not being able to use Layers > Locate for these 'selected' locked objects, since they are not truly selected: -
Here is a report about not being able to use Layers > Locate for these 'selected' locked objects, since they are not truly selected: -
Mara, I’ve create a new feature request and already added you to as a voter there, based on your comment below.
Here is the link to it: -
Mara commented
If I do understand well your suggestion : separate the "select" and the "unlock" options, I do like it!
Yep, it’s a known problem with the option. The name is 'SELECT and Unlock', so it means these will get selected when clicked... 'selecting' several locked object allows then to right-click and choose Unlock > All in Selection, or a specific object even.
So it’s either this functionality or click-to-select-under :/But perhaps this can be split into two options, one for having unlock widgets and another one (dependent on the parent option) — to allow selection.
Do you see any problems with this idea?New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Split 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' into two options: Unlock Widgets and Allow to Select Locked Objects -
Mara commented
Thanks a lot @Egor !
Indeed it does solve the issue. Don't know when it changed in my parameters.A pity though, I like being able to unlock with that option !
Can't they coexist?
Maybe there could be a keyboard key to unlock an object when it is disabled? -
Mara, I suspect you have 'Select and Unlock objects on canvas' option enabled in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display section.
Do you? When it’s disabled, Illustrator allows to select object behind locked one just fine.
Please check and comment back. -
Clue commented
When you have "Select and Unlock objects on canvas" selected in the Preferences, it prevents you from being able to isolate layers below that locked object.
When it's not selected and I lock layers on top, I'm still able to access lower layers through double-click isolation. This is a bug since the feature is the same concept–locking layers, but making the lock visible somehow prevents isolation of lower layers.
Would appreciate a fix, thanks. I'm running a MacOS Big Sur on a MacBook Pro 16-inch, 2019 with a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 processor.
Helga commented
Thanks @Egor :-)
Actually the unlock function on the canvas would be interesting - but the fact that it doesn't allow me to grab objects below makes it compeletly useless. -
Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display > Select and Unlock Objects on Canvas
Lunnson commented
A locked object can still be selected, hindering the ability to select the object underneath. Why!!! How do I disable this??
Stephen commented
I love the idea of the new unlock on canvas feature, but it is causing one problem.
If a locked layer is ABOVE another unlocked layer, I can not select the layer below. My cursor will only select the locked layer. Since it is now possible to select a locked layer I can't select an item BELOW the locked layer. This is pretty common for me and an easy way to work with lots of layers withouth hiding/showing to work with lower layers. Which kinda defeats the purpose of locking a layer . . .