Smart Quotes not working properly
If deselected “Smart Quotes (“‘)“ , upon keying in a prime (') or double prime (") AI still convert the primes to quotes. My work needs to communicate dimensions (eg, 5'–6" × 2'–0") and with First Nation orthographies Mi'kmaw First Nation that require access to these standard characters. This needs to be fixed.

This got solved by disabling 'Use Typographer’s Quotes' option in Document Setup > Type.
No worries, John, always happy to help! Ai can be hard, I totally get it myself :)
John deWolf commented
Understood. I hope I didn't waste too much time. You are correct; turn off Typographers' quotes in the page setup. Since it moved from SETTINGS, I could only find it under TYPE > SMART QUOTES. I also did not realize is was over-ruled by the document setup.
Thank you!
Not sure if I can tell this by these screenshots.
And perhaps we talk about different things... You refer to Type > Smart Punctuation dialog, which replaces punctuation in a selected text...
I talk about the Document Setup, which controls if these should be replaced while you type...
To disable auto-replacement, 'Use Typographer’s Quotes' should be disabled.
Can you explain the problem once again? I feel rather confused. -
John deWolf commented
I am following your directions, and I think it is still happening.
Sometimes plugins can influence completely unrelated things (I had a doze of cases for sure), but I meant other applications, not plugins. Some programs offer additional features, and auto-replace can easily be one of these.
Let’s test though. Open Document Setup > Type, enable 'Use Typographer’s Quotes' and change Single Quotes to something like < >.
Commit, then open the dialog once more and disable Quotes.
Then check if the singular ' will turn into <
If yes — then indeed it somehow slips through. -
John deWolf commented
Another application installed that conflicts? Not that I know of. CADtools by hotdoor is the only plugin, and I don;t see any type controls in there settings.
John deWolf commented
Another application installed that conflicts? Not that I know of. CADtools by hot door is the only plugin, and I don;t see any type controls in there settings.
John. can’t reproduce it.
Unchecking 'Use Typographer’s Quotes' in Document Setup > Type completely removes the conversion for me.
Are you sure that you disabled this properly and there is no other application installed at your side that offers a similar auto-replace functionality?