Pencil tool now smooths way to much, ignores details
Please enable the former way of working with the pencil tool again.
The tool now smoothes far too much on its own, even when set to "smooth as little as possible", it is now really inaccurate, small movements are ignored.
Real free drawing is no longer possible , that is making this wonderful, intuitive tool partially unusable. Only roughly usable for creating character designs, for example. where we need tiny details. Such a shame.

L Coyle commented
The highest accuracy setting still seems a little too smooth in 29.0.1. You can still get an extreme number of points if you draw really slowly, and I think it may also depend on the device - tablet vs. mouse.
Karine Salomon commented
Hello, the Pencil tool works again!!! The only change: I updated the operating system on my Mac. That's crazy but I am happy.
Thank you for your help -
Karine Salomon commented
Hallo Egor, thanks for answering. I am using version 29.0.1 and I still have this problem, what makes me really sad, because I loved to use the Pencil tool.
(Edited by admin) -
Karine, what build do you use specifically?
This problem was recently fixed with 29.0.1 patch — do you still have this problem after this latest update? -
Karine Salomon commented
Bitte die alte Reaktionsweise des Buntstift-Werkzeugs wieder ermöglichen. Das Werkzeug glättet jetzt eigenständig viel zu stark, auch bei Einstellung auf möglichst wenig glätten.
Ein freies, genaues, detailliertes Zeichnen ist nicht mehr möglich, somit wird dieses wundervolle, intuitive Werkzeug in Teilen unbrauchbar. Zum Entwerfen z.B. von Character Designs nur noch grob brauchbar. Ich möchte Details und es dürfen auch mal mehr Ankerpunkte sein bei komplexen Zeichnungen. Was zuvor mühelos gelang ist jetzt schwerfällig, ausweichen auf Kurvenzeichner oder Zeichenstift wird notwendig . Sooo schade.