Mimaki CG 60 SR / Fincut 9 3.2 Fehlermeldung
Mimaki CG 60 SR / Fincut 9 3.2 Fehlermeldung
Wo liegt der Fehler?
J- Tock
shared this idea
It seems to be the same exact problem as described here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/issue-with-finecut-9-quot-two-or-more-sets-of-register-marks-quot/m-p/14014946
Specifically: "if the register marks and the cut lines are both the same spot color ... then Finecut will think there are multiple sets of register marks. Change the color of your cut lines and the problem should resolve."
Please try to change the color of the circles and comment back if it resolves it.