Undo Release Clipping Mask Does Nothing
I recently noticed that if I unclip an object, by accident or necessity, that I cannot undo the step either through the menu Undo or Command key Undo.
I can clip and Command-Z to unclip.
I can manually unclip and Command-Z to reclip.
If I clip, I Command-z to unclip and then Command + Option + Z to redo my last action and it will properly clip.
But if I just manually unclip, and then use the Undo command to reclip it like it was? It doesn't work. Nothing happens and it moves on in the history.
I am on Mac OS X and running Illustrator 29.1.

This issue has been fixed and released with Illustrator latest release - 29.2
Please update to latest version from Creative Cloud Desktop.
Yen Khor commented
Undo action no applicable to "clipping masking or release clipping masking"
n-thr commented
Illustrator29.1にアップデートしてから現れたバグです。「クリッピングマスク→マスク解除」の工程をcommand + Z で取り消すと、マスク外のオブジェクトが表示されたままになってしまいます。
ご対応いただけると助かります。 -
Kyle commented
Having an issue on Illustrator V29.1 on Mac Sonoma 14.4.1
I'm working on files supplied by Clients. I'll bring the file in and Release clipping masks to remove any unnecessary Clipping Masks.
However when I've "Gone to far" on things like images or Gradients undoing by one step re established the clipping mask but keeps the graphic the same. It also doesn't fix itself reliably by undoing or by saving the document (See Screenshot) and reopening. The most consistent way is to re import and carefully pull apart the clipping masks but that's needlessly time consuming.
Ipul Khad commented
I have the same issue with 29.1
is this bug ? -
Oh, indeed! I can totally confirm this.
Release Clipping Mask followed by Undo does not clip it back!
Thanks, Kip!