Pantone or other book colors in a CMYK document look fine in Overprint preview mode but get exported to an RGB images as dull
When we add a Pantone or a different book color into a CMYK document, we can see how it looks 'for real' when we enable Overprint mode — all fair.
Then we would need to share this image with a client, so we export an RGB image... and this image shows out vivid book color as a dull-and converted-to-CMYK-and-then-to-RGB color — which is not what we have in mind.
This is a bug, honestly, I think, but also a request — we need to be able to export images as we see them in Overprint Preview mode... Ai respect overprints (there was a problem with that:, but not fully when it comes to book colors.
The only way to workaround is to temporarily switch the document’s color mode into RGB (and not to forget to undo this later).
Ton commented
RGB Preview is not the same as Overprint Preview for Book (Lab) spot colors.
They may look more vivid, but not as vivid as in Overprint Preview mode. It depends on The document color profile how close RGB mode can simulate the Overprint Preview, wider gamuts come closer than sRGB. Besides the color preview accuracy, Overprint is not supported when exporting to an image format. There should be an option (like when printing to a color printer) to Simulate Overprint during export.