Source Han Sans font doesn't show up in Illustrator
Many such fonts after installing in Adobe fonts, it doesn't show up in Illustrator or other adobe apps.
Illustrator displays non-English fonts using their actual names in their own language by default.
We can toggle this behavior using Preferences > Type > Show Font names in English option.
Lohithaksha Sreedharan commented
This worked! It was a simple workaround but hidden in the settings. Thanks a ton!
Source Han San is a CJK font and will not show up with English name. See if this works - turning ON 'Settings > Type > Show Font names in English' and then search in the Character Panel font menu with a portion (like 'Han') or full name in English.
Lohithaksha Sreedharan commented
No, even the Japanese font family doesn't show up after installation.
Does this happen for CJK fonts only?