Conversion from CMYK to Grayscale is wrong
Converting CMYK values to Grayscale will not give the expected result. C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=50 converts to 100% Grayscale in a CMYK document.
The same C=50 M=50 Y=50 K=50 converted to R: 92 G: 81 B: 76
in an RGB document it converts to 67,16% Grayscale, which looks more like the expected Gray value.
Ton commented
Egor, I cannot remember when this started, but there are more problems with grayscale in Illustrator, although one mentioned in this report seems to be solved:
And this is also why probably shades in Color Guide look very much different for CMYK and RGB (but that’s my guess).
I have no idea when it started and should run some tests to figure this out.
Ton, do you have any memories on this? -
Ton commented
And when pasted from an RGB document into a CMYK Document, the same Grayscale percentages display lighter. See second attachment.