Indeed, it feels like UserVoice is blocking PSD-files! Another bizarre behavior. Previously it used to block .ai-files even...
But anyway — I can totally reproduce it, the fitting is nowhere near as precise.
Thank you a lot for your patience and persistence! The team should look up into this. -
北原健太 commented
I'm sorry. I've attached the "241023_good.psd" several times, but it seems to disappear when it's PSD data. I'll send you the JPG version again.
These have the image linked into them... but you forgot to embed it.
What is needed is the 241023_good.psd itself, the source image. Kindly share this one. -
北原健太 commented
Please check it !
I think Archit meant the source IMAGE, the raster picture you trace, not the expanded result. Can you share this instead, to actually test it, please? Thank you!
北原健太 commented
AI Original data
Thank you for sharing this.
If it is convenient for you, Can you share the source image, which you traced to get these results? -
I see and agree, thanks.
Can you also share the original image you traced? -
北原健太 commented
Image tracing results with the same settings.
The 2024 version passes over even the subtlest nuances, but the 2025 version does not. -
Would you kindly share several examples of the current results compared with the ones you had before, along with the settings used? You can do it in a comment or send them directly to the team, via sharewithai@adobe.com, if you wish for these to stay private. Without the comparison, the team won’t be able to make tweaks to the engine.