Don’t display Touch workspace styled handles for Free Transform when Ai doesn’t use it
If a computer has an access to a touch screen device, Ai offers users to switch the interface into the dedicated Touch Workspace:
Normally this access won’t affect using Ai in the default mode, except for the way Free Transform tool’s controls.
These start to look ugly: large contoured circles with small white square padding inside, smudged icons (when viewed at 100 UI scale), giant hint arrows...
Maybe these work for some better, I can imagine this.
But why do I see these when not in Touch mode?
How can I force Ai to use normal ones without removing my touchscreen device?
This topic occasionally floats up at forums:
and some users say they don’t have a touch device connected at all.
So the problem is:
— There doesn't seem to be a way to convince Illustrator you're not using a touch device.
— There doesn't seem to be a way to toggle this feature.
— It seems to not be documented anywhere.
Please address these.