Bad translation in French for Embed a Linked Image command
I wanted to draw your attention on a problematic/erratic translation in the french version of illustrator (formerly it was ok, up to CC) : when you want to incorporate/embed a linked image, you go to the links panel menu, and instead of having "incorporer l'image" (incorportae/embed the picture), the option is "image(s) incorporée(s)" which means "incorporatED images", which is wrong, and totally misleading/confusing as it means the same as the other option, saying "montrer les images incorporer" (show incorporated images).
You really should correct this… and reactivate the possibility to incorporate images just by double-clicking an image in the links panel (before it worked like this, this action opened a pop up askin "do you want to incorporate/embed the picture").
This problem drove me crazy, I spent a day looking for this function, when it was just there, in front of my eyes but the badly translated.
It REALLY is misleading… please take it in consideration since it used to be correct before (at least until CS6 -> I went from CS6 directly to CC2019)
Thanks so much for the attention you will pay to my request

Thanks for sharing this with us Cleo. I have asked our localization team to get this verified and fixed.