Illustrator 2022 Ver 26.0.1: Freezes/Crashes on Exit
Illustrator 2022 works fine, launches as usual. Yet when exiting the software, no matter if used or not, it freezes. The only way to properly exit the app is via Task Manager: End Process.
Software has already been stress tested, cleaned up and reinstalled. Issue doesn't persist in previous version.
System Information:
Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 21H1
Installed on 20-Jun-21
OS build 19043.1288
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0

Thea Olijrhook commented
de laatste versie van de wacom driver deed illustrator om de haverklap crashen, een ouder versie loste het probleem op
Sheloy Pious commented
My problem got solved after I signed out my account and reset my preferences and boom it worked after restarting the app
Chloe Lee commented
Im using the newest macbook pro with m1 max chip... i'm surprised this keeps happening...
Chloe Lee commented
This is whats been happening. It crashes and i am logged out of my computer, and have to log back in. the files have all crashed (but thank god for auto save).
Chloe Lee commented
Illustrator keeps crashing on me. It's crashed 3 times in the last 15 minutes and I have already updated to the latest version....
Stacey commented
Go into Adobe Profile, then Privacy settings and uncheck the "Desktop and app usage" and "Machine Learning" boxes. This worked for me, but Adobe doesn't like this option.
JWN commented
Is it possible to release the fix as a patch? This would be some much faster and easier for users.
JWN commented
As of 11/25 this issue still persists for me.
Grzegorz Hadzicki commented
The same happens to me as well in Illustrator ver. 26.0 and 26.0.1. I tried uninstalling the program, along with removing configuration files, and installing it back again - the problem still persists. I also tried using Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool , but to no avail as well. The only workaround that works for me is rolling back to version 25.4.1.
System information:
CPU-s: Dual Intel Xeon X5550
GPU: NVidia Quadro K4200
Pen & Touch input: Wacom Intuos Pro S
OS: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) ver. 21H1, build 19043.1348, Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0 -
Sze Wan Yip commented
I have the same issue with my illustrator. I'm operating on Window11 and my illustrator is up to date. I have tried to reinstall multiple times and my program still not respond Everytime I try to close out my illustrator. Please fix it soon
AI freezes every single time I close the program since update last Wednesday 11/3 (or, Thursday 11/4). I have to force quit. AI version is 26.0.1. Windows is....
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable)
Device ID A6606EB5-99BD-44A6-9B81-93555281A056
Product ID 00330-80000-00000-AA691
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch Pen supportEdition Windows 10 Pro
Version 20H2
Installed on 4/8/2021
OS build 19042.1348
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0 -
Johann Van Schalkwyk commented
Illustrator doesn't close normally. Hangs on exit since 2022 update.
Bide Cui commented
This Still happening today 31st July 2018
Anonymous commented
Same crap here.
Pablo commented
I finally found the problem. It was Cineware plugin not getting along with the latest Windows 10 update.
Anonymous commented
Same here. I've uninstalled the Astute plugins, I've reset Illustrator preferences, and still the same thing is happening.
Pablo commented
Illustrator dow not properly exit. It freezes when closing the app. Im using latest version of Illustrator CC 2018, latest Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit, and latest plugins by Astute Graphics.