OBJECT > EXPAND creates SPIKES in geometry
I use Illustrator to create emboss patterns for production tooling. When delivering my patterns, all geometry must be EXPANDED and represented as real vector lines so that the engravers can mill out the tool.
Recently, when I EXPAND the patterns I make (OBJECT > EXPAND), I'm starting to see random SPIKES in my outlined strokes when using the EXPAND tool in the menu. This problem is reproducible on my machine, but it does appear to be random. Sometimes it does it, and sometimes it doesn't. My vector curve is stroked at 0.03 inches.
This problem is causing CRITICAL delays in my workflow, as I have to find these tiny spikes in a file that's essentially 110'' x 70''. This has never been a problem until recently, so can only assume an algorithm change deployed in a recent version is causing this. Really need your help in addressing this!
Using Illustrator 27.6.1 (64-bit) on Windows 10 19045.3086

Matthew Ritter commented
Might as well post the file here if it lets me! Also sent to the team via email you provided.
Matthew Ritter commented
Hello Egor and thank you for the response!
1. Happy to send the team the actual vector file...will send momentarily! Will also post here!
2. The result does differ when using OBJECT > FLATTEN TRANSPARENCY with vector at 100%. The spikes I'm initially seeing do not appear, however, new, larger spikes appear in new places.
3. This does appear to work and the spikes do not appear, however, due to the size of the file I have to make...almost taking up the whole workspace, this probably won't work long term.
4. Did not see a change.
5. OUTLINE STROKE does see the spikes appearing in the same place.
6. Will try to get an older version of Illustrator downloaded...TBD on this one.Thank you again for your engagement...very grateful!!! =)
Matthew, yeah, these happen for me too sometimes :/
Sometimes I can heal them with Pathfinder’s Add (with a properly set precision), but some of these you show are just gigantic (it seems like).
Here are some thoughts on this:
1. The team would need actual vector files to investigate this, please share some — here, for all to test, or directly with the team via sharewithai@adobe.com (please then mention the link to this report so they can track it: http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/46855744). I’d personally would love to try these myself, but it’s up to you to choose the way to share these.
2. Does a result differ if you use Object > Flatten Transparency with Vector parameter at 100%, instead of using just Expand?
3. Does it help to scale the path and the stroke it has up (with Scale Strokes & Effects option enabled), then expand and scale back?
4. Does changing Miter value for the stroke change anything?
5. Does it help to apply an Outline Stroke effect instead and then use Expand Appearance? Do these spikes and notches appear, and if they do it in the same places?
6. What about elder versions? Please try to install the oldest you can and recheck.
Anyway, thank you for reporting this. -
Matthew Ritter commented
On larger stroke....external spike this time.
Matthew Ritter commented
Video too
Matthew Ritter commented
Additional images of the original screenshot...and some other examples of spikes.